The Beginning: (cira. 7/22/04) The infamous Eleanora of Toledo Gown – The gown that was 30 years in the making . . .well, not really; but I have had the trim since I worked for House of Fabrics since 1986 or 1987. [Seriously, I could never bring myself to part with it.]
Like everyone else, I fell in love with this gown the first time I opened my copy of Patterns of Fashion. So the winds of fortune finally blew my way clear to make this delightful gown . . . in 70’s colors so hideous, it screams 16th Century Italian across three counties. Back in the day, next door to this HOF (that I was babysitting) was a JJ Newberry’s, and they were having a clearance sale (they were closing out their fabric department) and lo and behold, I picked up this trim for 50 cents a yard. I couldn’t resist. I was going through my rebellious RPF costuming phase and wanted to see how far I could push the envelope before they threw me out for clashing or fainted . . . or offered me the head costomer’s job because I knew more than she did.
I had an epiphany this afternoon while ironing when I glanced up and saw this Lime green Thai Silk and “bink,” a light came on, and I ran to my office and rooted through my boxes and found the trim, and they match, perfectly. Even my husband is amazed. [“I wouldn’t normally go for these colors, especially not together, but wow!” ~ Bryan] This silk is another one of my eBay steals, and even with turquoise that I picked up for a corded petticoat, this whole outfit’s going to cost me less than $50, and it’s all going to be silk!

I’ve also got some hatobi silk that I’m going to be making a camica out of for my Venetian gown, and it will work out perhaps even better for this gown. I’m thinking that this will be a good outfit to wear to Devore next spring, so I’ve got tons of time, which is good because I’m on a “diet” and, with some luck and perseverance, will be about 75 lbs lighter by then.