And now for some catching up on blog posts…albeit a year late.
This past summer we had a couple of house guests: Minibreeze and Edgar the Kitten — the stuffed avatar our twitter friends Mister Breeze and Boris Kitty, two really paw-some purr-sons as well as the humans behind them. [Yes, I used LOLcat speak, get over it.]
So what does a costumer do when hosting stuffies, she makes them costumes so the little guys can cosplay with their peeps! Who doesn’t like The Doctor, especially Eleven? So this is where I started. I recreated the 11th Doctor’s iconic fashion accessories: his fez and bow tie. Regretfully, I didn’t take any in process photos during the construction process, but I’ve got one of the finished product.
When I finished this and and “classic” Starfleet dress uniform, I safely packaged up Minibreeze and his new clothes, and his new companion, #FlatCassidy and off to the Post Office we went. When the very nice postal lady asked is I had any liquids, hazardous materials, perishables, yadda, yadda, yadda, I replied only nope, only excessively cute scifi costumes for little black panfur beanie baby. As she interest was now piqued, I flipped out my cell phone and showed her the picture. She let out a sqee of delight.
I proudly present to you, #Minibreeze in all his Whovian cosplay finery. You’ll agree, he is too cute not to sqee.